Introducing EVOCELL
ConnectJets CEO, Gabriella Somerville, was recently introduced to the EVOCELL at Chelsea Health Club and Spa.
Having flown many elite sports persons around the world and seen first-hand the toll injury and pain can take on the body, the EVOCELL is the optimum pre and post flight therapy.
In fact, it is a former professional tennis athlete and ex-chief of Queens Club Toby Foxcroft who has launched this innovative sports and wellness therapy technology system. Known as EvoCell, (evolution of cells) it uses comforting low energy, high frequency shock waves, across the whole body to wipe out back pain, inflamed areas, injuries as well as resetting the body’s central nervous system and rejuvenate human cells.
Swiss doctors and German engineers produced Evocell through years of innovation and research. Toby Foxcroft, CEO of EvoCell World has recently introduced the specially constructed shockwave to the UK with the first machine at Chelsea Football Club. The treatment leads to a remarkable recovery backed by scientific research that claims a 98% success rate over 3,000 studies.
In what is hailed as a revolutionary treatment for high performance athletes, many are stealing a march over rivals using EvoCell therapy treatment to improve recovery time from injury, in what is an increasingly important factor in determining overall athlete success. High-end gyms and spas are also preparing the way for their customers to have the system available to them.
Mr. Foxcroft said: “The fundamental elements of this treatment are that shock waves regenerate cells, as well as create new blood cells. Low energy shock waves also focus on the creation of collagen and target pain trigger points. Most importantly it decreases inflammation – the number one cause of delay to athlete recovery. This is really a ground-breaking discovery”.
The beds were launched some months after Mr. Foxcroft first discovered the EvoCell machine at the German Winter Olympic training centre.
“There is something very special about EvoCell. I have used it several times to successfully erase chronic backpain. It repaired my carpal tunnel syndrome in my racket hand. It cured all my muscle soreness from workouts. I have found EvoCell reduces inflammation, settles the nervous system and gives my body a type of reset”. Pat Cash, Wimbledon Singles Champion.
For further information about EvoCell please Click Here